Submission Details

Please complete the section below to submit your applicant. If you have more details you’d like to provide, please click on “Show / Hide” options below to complete remaining inputs.

You have selected "Brokered" as the submission type. This means that you agree to act as the primary point of contact between the applicant and Loanspark. Your responsibilities will include gathering all necessary documents to complete the transaction, managing all communications with the applicant, reviewing terms of loan offers, and securing an enthusiastic “yes” from the applicant so we can complete the successful funding!
You have selected "Referral" as the submission type. This means that you agree for Loanspark to serve as the primary point of contact for all communication going forward with the applicant, from “hello” to “funded”!

Business Entity Information

Primary Applicant Details


Secondary Applicant Details


Real Estate Details


Equipment Details


Document Upload

If you have documents previously submitted to you by your customer, please upload them, it will expedite the application process. If you do not have documents at this time, you can email them later to [email protected]. Please include the application ID in the subject of the email.

Drivers License

To verify your identity, your drivers license is required.

Voided Business Check

When you get approved, this is where we will send the funds. Should be the same as the account provided on your bank statement.

Tax Return

Lenders will use your tax returns to understand your business financials.

Other Documents

Upload any other documents that you think we need.